On this page you can find a full breakdown of the assessment criteria used here at Brockington College.
Please select the year group you would like to view below.
KS3 - Years 7, 8 and 9
KS4 - Year 10 and 11
KS3 - Years 7, 8 and 9
At Brockington College, we regularly assess students in each subject. This is to ensure that progression is being made in preparation for the next stage of their education.
At three assessment points during the year, you will receive a projected BC grade for what your child is set to achieve at the end of Key Stage 3 and a current A2L grade.
Reporting on progress – Brockington College (BC) grades
We will report on your child’s expected progress three times a year using one of nine Brockington College (BC) grades. BC grades range from BC1 to BC9 and become increasingly more challenging. Our progressive curriculum ensures that students of all abilities are academically challenged and stretched; it enables them to acquire new knowledge and skills in preparation for future learning. Subject grade descriptors, containing information on the skills and knowledge that the students will demonstrate at each grade, are available on the school website Teachers will use subject specific assessment, along with their knowledge of each student, to make a judgement on which grade will be achieved at the end of Key Stage 3.Subject descriptors
Please click the links below to view the subject descriptors, per subject: Art | Computing | Design Technology | Drama | English | Geography | History | Mathematics | Modern Foreign Languages | Music | Physical Education | Religious Studies | ScienceReporting on attitude to learning
At Brockington College, our intention is to cultivate the intellectual, creative, social, physical, moral and spiritual development of all our students. Building the right character, by developing and demonstrating the right attitudes, is crucial for academic success, but more importantly success in life. We will report current attitude to learning grades (A2L) which range from 1 to 5. Descriptors for the A2L grades are listed below.A2L Grade | A student receiving this grade |
1 (Outstanding) | Consistently puts in excellent effort to their studies Is always on time to lessons and ready to learn Is always equipped for their lessons Consistently completes homework on time and with outstanding effort Consistently demonstrates the college values in all of their studies and their conduct around school Goes above and beyond in terms of their effort and attitude at school. |
2 (Good) | Usually puts in a good amount of effort to their studies across all areas Is usually on time to lessons and keen to learn Is usually equipped for their lessons Usually completes homework on time and to the best of their ability Often demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |
3 (Could try harder) | Will usually put effort into their studies, but may be inconsistent across all areas. Is generally on time to lessons, but there are instances of unexplained lateness Will usually come equipped for lessons, but there are instances of missing equipment over time (e.g. missing pen or exercise book) Often completes homework on time and to a decent standard, however there are instances of lateness or poor effort Generally, demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school |
4 (Unacceptable) | May show inconsistent effort in their studies May be late to lessons frequently and with no explanation May bring equipment inconsistently (e.g. forgetting to bring a pen or exercise book on numerous occasions over time) Hands in homework inconsistently and with little effort Does not regularly demonstrate the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |
5 (Serious concern) | Rarely puts effort in to their studies in class, and may be disruptive to the learning of others Is nearly always late to lessons with no valid explanation Rarely has the correct equipment to lessons Rarely hands in homework and/or puts little effort into their work Rarely demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |
KS4 - Year 10 and 11
At Key Stage 4 we report on your child’s progress and attitude to learning four times during the academic year in year 10 and three times during year 11. As at Key Stage 3 you will receive an assessment point letter that contains your child’s Attitude to Learning (A2L) using a 1-4 scale (see below). You will also receive their end of Key Stage 4 target grades. A current GCSE predicted grade will also be included. the GCSE predicted grade will be fine graded. This means that the A*-G scale or 9-1 scale may have a plus or minus with it. This will indicate how secure your child is at that grade. An example is shown below:
A* – G GCSE grading system | 9-1 GCSE grading system |
B+ = Top of the grade | 6+ = Top of the grade |
B = Firmly at that grade | 6 = Firmly at that grade |
B- = Just at that grade | 6- = Just at that grade |
Targets and predicted grades
The GCSE grading system is changing from an A*-G scale to a 9-1 scale with 9 being the highest grade. Below is a description of the GCSE grades we report to parents at each assessment point.GCSE target grade
This is the grade that each pupil should aim to achieve as a minimum by the end of their GCSE course and is based upon their attainment at the end of Key Stage 2.GCSE predicted grade
This is the grade that each student is likely to achieve based on their current work in class and attitude to learning. This grade is calculated by the class teacher, taking into account assessment results and work ethic, across the term. As such, this grade can change at each assessment point, depending on the work each student produces; their knowledge and understanding of a topic and their application in class.Reporting on attitude to learning
At Brockington College, our intention is to cultivate the intellectual, creative, social, physical, moral and spiritual development of all our students. Building the right character, by developing and demonstrating the right attitudes, is crucial for academic success, but more importantly success in life. We will report current attitude to learning grades (A2L) which range from 1 to 5. Descriptors for the A2L grades are listed below.A2L Grade | A student receiving this grade |
1 (Outstanding) | Consistently puts in excellent effort to their studies Is always on time to lessons and ready to learn Is always equipped for their lessons Consistently completes homework on time and with outstanding effort Consistently demonstrates the college values in all of their studies and their conduct around school Goes above and beyond in terms of their effort and attitude at school. |
2 (Good) | Usually puts in a good amount of effort to their studies across all areas Is usually on time to lessons and keen to learn Is usually equipped for their lessons Usually completes homework on time and to the best of their ability Often demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |
3 (Could try harder) | Will usually put effort into their studies, but may be inconsistent across all areas. Is generally on time to lessons, but there are instances of unexplained lateness Will usually come equipped for lessons, but there are instances of missing equipment over time (e.g. missing pen or exercise book) Often completes homework on time and to a decent standard, however there are instances of lateness or poor effort Generally, demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school |
4 (Unacceptable) | May show inconsistent effort in their studies May be late to lessons frequently and with no explanation May bring equipment inconsistently (e.g. forgetting to bring a pen or exercise book on numerous occasions over time) Hands in homework inconsistently and with little effort Does not regularly demonstrate the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |
5 (Serious concern) | Rarely puts effort in to their studies in class, and may be disruptive to the learning of others Is nearly always late to lessons with no valid explanation Rarely has the correct equipment to lessons Rarely hands in homework and/or puts little effort into their work Rarely demonstrates the college values in their studies and their conduct around school. |