Brockington College is a distinctive and caring environment, where we actively encourage a sense of responsibility, respect and concern for all. It is widely recognised that a child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning, as well as their physical and social health and their mental wellbeing in adulthood.
Brockington College is a Route to Resilience accredited school. Staff at Brockington College believe that RESPECT is the route to resilience and that the development of key character traits, underpins academic success and young peoples’ happiness as well as well-being as they prepare for a future in which they will learn to live life to the full.
Ready to learn
Take responsibility
Brockington College has a number of services that are available to students
Pastoral support
Your head of year and pastoral manager can offer a listen ear, support and guidance and are able to signpost to further support as appropriate. We appreciate that sometimes discussing certain matters with a member of staff can be uncomfortable for students, so they are encouraged to use ‘Voice It’ forms to tell us of concerns that may arise.
School health and wellbeing coordinator
We have a full time dedicated health and wellbeing co-ordinator, who works across the college. Their role includes carrying our risk assessments for those students with long term health or wellbeing conditions or short term injuries to support them in accessing and attending school. A number of strategies are employed to support students through long or short term conditions which are reviewed regularly. Our health and wellbeing coordinator also carries out day to day first aid support for students when the need arises.
School counsellor
We are very lucky to have a counsellor who can help you with any problems you may have regarding anything from relationships to coping with stress. Appointments can be made through a referral system via your head of year of pastoral manager.
School nurse
Students have access to a range of support services including weekly ‘drop in sessions’ run by the school nurse and access to the school nurse texting service 07520 615387 for confidential advice and support. Parents can text the 0-19 years service on 07520 615382. Parents can call the school nurse on 0116 2153239.
Inclusion manager
We are extremely lucky to have a full time inclusion manager working in school. They are based in the ‘hub’ and work with a range of students, supporting them in a number of different ways. Support can be accessed by students for academic study, accessing learning, as well as wellbeing and health issues. The ‘hub’ is a nurturing environment where students can work, supported by the inclusion manager, with the aim that after a short spell of intervention they feel happy and confident to return to lessons and learning and whole school life.
LCFC Inspires mentor
We work closely with LCFC and have an ‘Inspires’ mentor based within school four days a week. They work with a range of students around confidence, anxiety, behaviour and attendance. They work with students both on a one-to-one basis and in groups. Students who have been working with the Inspires mentor have thrived and gone on to develop positive strategies.
External support links
- Bullying UK – an anti-bullying website with lots of useful information.
- Anna Freud – empowering young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing.
- BEAT– an eating disorder charity that supports those with food, weight and shape difficulties.
- Childline – a free, private and confidential service for young people where you can talk about anything.
- Frank – the national drugs helpline.
- Health for Teens – online resources and information covering a wide range of health issues.
- Kooth –free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling.
- Mermaids – support for gender-diverse and transgender children, young people and their families.
- Papyrus – the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
- Samaritans – an organisation providing round the clock access for people to talk.
- Stonewall – support for young lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
- The Mix – a charity that provides free, confidential support for young people.
- The Proud Trust – helping LGBT+ young people empower themselves, to make a positive change for themselves and their communities.
- Think u Know – an interactive site with lots of internet safety tips for young people and parents.
- Winston’s Wish – supporting children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling.
- Young Minds – a charity committed to improving the emotional health of young people.
Wellbeing resources
WE Well-being – wellbeing resources to support students and their families.