Year 6 transition

On behalf of members of staff, students and governors, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Brockington College. 

Brockington College is a dynamic 11-16 Church of England academy, we are an extremely popular and happy school with a great atmosphere, where students ‘learn to live life to the full’.  Our intention is to cultivate the intellectual, creative, social, physical, moral and spiritual development of all our students. Our Christian ethos is the ‘heartbeat of the school’ and underpins student and staff development and achievement. We want your child to become independent, confident and fully prepared for the next stage of their lives.  We believe that we can only achieve the best for our students by close co-operation between home and school. Therefore, we look forward to an effective relationship in the coming years, as we work closely together. We know that students prosper when parents/carers engage fully with the school and we are committed to working with you. 

On this page, you will find key information and answers to frequently asked questions.  Later in the summer term, we will write to all parents and carers and update this page with key information about our transition days on Friday 5 July and Monday 8 July 2024, as well details about the start of the new school year. We look forward to welcoming all new year 7 students to Brockington College in August 2024.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school via or 0116 2863722.  

Sadie Batstone

“Very encouraging and highly motivational staff. One word to describe this school is ‘passionate’.”
Brockington College parent

Key information

Key Stage 3
(Years 7, 8 and 9)
Key Stage 4
(Years 10 and 11)
Students assembled, in line with their form group, at designated point
Students assembled, in line with their form group, at designated point
Form time, including spiritual reflection
Form time, including spiritual reflection
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3
Period 4
Period 4
Period 5
Period 5

Autumn term
School opensTuesday 27 August 2024
Half term Monday 21 to Friday 25 October 2024
School closes Friday 20 December 2024

Spring term
School opensMonday 6 January 2025
Half term Monday 17 to Friday 21 February 2025
School closes Friday 11 April 2025

Summer term
School opensMonday 28 April 2025
May DayMonday 5 May 2025
Half termMonday 26 May to Friday 30 May 2025
School closesWednesday 9 July 2025

Form groups are created taking into account a number of different factors including:

  • ensuring groups are balanced academically
  • ensuring groups include students from a number of schools
  • ensuring students who are transferring to us on their own are paired up to help them to make friends.

Transition is an anxious time for some, whilst others take it in their stride.  We recognise that everyone reacts differently – students, parents and carers.  Although it can be daunting, the opportunity to make new friends will, in the long run, be beneficial to all.  If you do have any concerns, please contact us to ensure we can resolve any issues.

You will shortly receive further information from the year 7 team and your child’s form tutor.

One of our school values, ‘koinonia’ is translated as ‘fellowship’ or ‘partnership’. Koinonia expresses the quality of the relationships within a Christian community, which are like those of a family. Central to any family is interdependence. Everyone is needed and valued and important to the whole group. Each member of the family shares the joys and sufferings of the others and everyone depends upon everyone else. Koinonia is demonstrated across Brockington College and is very visible in every form group.

Every student is allocated a locker.  This eliminates the need for students to carry bags, coats , PE kits and mobile telephones around. 

There is a non-refundable charge of £10 for a locker, which parents/carers should pay via ParentPay before the start of the academic year.  Students will then be issued with a locker key at the start of term.  However if they lose their key, a replacement key must be ordered at a cost of £3.50, again via ParentPay. 

At the end of each school year, lockers are emptied to enable cleaning and maintenance to take place.  

ParentPay is a secure online account linked to your child and is the preferred method of payment for cashless catering accounts, trips, resources, and other one-off school related events.

Your ParentPay activation details will be provided in a letter.  Please log in at and register your details in ‘My Profile’ before making secure payments.   If you already have a ParentPay account, you will need to log in as usual, enter the activation details provided when prompted and follow the instructions to ‘add a child’.

Please ensure that you have registered to ParentPay and that money has been added to the ParentPay account before your child’s first day of school in August.

Brockington College is a distinctive and caring environment, where we actively encourage a sense of responsibility, respect and concern for all.  Our challenging curriculum, wider opportunities and Christian values promote achievement, success and the development of confident, considerate and articulate citizens.

All students are placed in a form group with a form tutor who will oversee form matters, provide pastoral support and guide students academically. The work of our tutors is overseen by the heads of year and pastoral managers.

Heads of year and pastoral managers can offer a listening ear, support and guidance and are able to signpost to further support as appropriate.

Students have access to a range of support services including access to the school nurse texting service 07520 615387 for confidential advice and support. Parents can text the 0-19 years service on 07520 615382. Parents can call the school nurse on 0116 2153239.

We are also extremely lucky to have a school health and wellbeing coordinator, a school counsellor, two school youth chaplains, an inclusion manager, an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and currently an LCFC Inspires mentor.

We appreciate that sometimes discussing certain matters with a member of staff can be uncomfortable for students, so they are encouraged to use  ‘Voice It’ forms to tell us of concerns that may arise. 

Brockington College is a Route to Resilience accredited school.  Staff at Brockington College believe that  RESPECT is the route to resilience and that the development of key character traits, underpins academic success and young peoples’ happiness as well as well-being as they prepare for a future in which they will learn to live life to the full.

Ready to learn
Take responsibility

Brockington College provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all its students, including those with Special Education Needs & Disabilities. The school maintains an additional needs record that is regularly reviewed to evaluate and monitor student progress.

We are committed to inclusion, parent partnership, student participation and equal access to all areas of the curriculum. Our aim is to help to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills and to develop students’ independent work and life skills.

Special needs staff work with subject staff to provide in-class support, to help to adapt materials for student use, to team teach in some subject areas, to directly teach basic skills and to deliver intervention programmes.

Further information is available in our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy and SEND Information Report on our website or by contacting Mrs S Lawrence, SENDCo, on 0116 286 3722.

Your child’s form tutor should be your first point of contact for all inquiries and you will be informed of their individual email address.

You will also be provided with contact information for the Head of Year 7 and the Pastoral Manager for Year 7.

Please contact all staff via main reception on 0116 2863722.

We believe in working in a close partnership with parents/carers that involves trust and shared expectations.  We encourage students to take responsibility for their actions, make the right choice, and recognise that, at times, we all make mistakes. 

Brockington College recognises that in building a school community and emphasising values such as respect, wisdom and justice, a behaviour policy must include rewards to increase aspirations. Our rewards policy is set alongside sanctions in order to emphasise fairness, justice and tolerance in our approach.

Forgiveness is fundamental in a Christian school. Forgiveness is at the heart of everything we do and it is our aim to keep on forgiving without limit. Forgiveness requires both an acceptance and acknowledgement of what has gone wrong and a genuine desire not to do it again.

We have high expectations about behaviour which are clearly set out in the home school agreement.

The Brockington College Behaviour Routines and Standards Policy provides greater detail.

We report on your child’s progress and attitude to learning three times during the academic year.

In year 7, there is an opportunity for parents to meet with form tutors, in early October,  to discuss how your child is settling in to life at Brockington College.  At the end of the year, the more formal consultation evening with subject staff takes place.

Brockington College is a Church of England academy; we are committed to serving the community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian beliefs and practice. Central to all we do is our mission statement ‘learning to live life to the full’. Taken from John 10:10, it is our aim that all students at Brockington College are able to flourish academically and spiritually, in their talents and through their character.

This means that each and every one of our students will have a wide range of high quality experiences both within and outside of the classroom. We meet this challenge by recognising that we are all individuals with different needs and interests. We believe and teach on a daily basis that students must strive to be their best academically, totally commit to a full life and must learn to appreciate, understand and respect others. 

Underpinning our aim are our eight Christian values which are at the heart of life at Brockington College and are the qualities that we hope every member of the school community will work towards in their daily lives.

Our values are compassion, forgiveness, justice, koinonia (working together), learning, perseverance, respect and wisdom. Throughout your child’s time at Brockington, they will have opportunities to grow as people and as global citizens through a wide range of activities and events focused on our values.

We are a forward-looking school with traditional values and pride ourselves on our ability to continually evolve to support our community and to provide the best environment for our students. As a result, we have a modern school building with cutting edge resources and maintain a constant drive to ensure teaching methods match the needs of 21st century learners.

Brockington College recognises the importance of ICT in education and the needs of students to access the computing facilities available within the school.  The school aims to make the ICT facilities it has available for students to use for their studies, both in and out of lesson times.  To allow for this, Brockington College requires all students to sign a copy of the acceptable use policy before they receive their username and password.  Access to the school’s ICT facilities will only take place once this document has been signed by both the student and parent/carer. A link to electronically sign this form, and others, will be emailed to parents/carers.

The Embrace Multi-Academy Trust privacy notices explain why we collect, and how we use, personal data.  

'Brockington is a vibrant learning community fuelled by its Christian vision for all to experience fullness of life. This school enriches and transforms lives, particularly for those who are vulnerable, who encounter challenges or have additional learning and personal needs.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

How will my child travel to school?

If you are planning to drive your child to school, please be aware of the limited space on the school site for vehicles.  We would ask you to consider dropping your child nearby, so that they walk the last few hundred metres to school.  When collecting your child by car, we would also ask you to consider arriving at school a few minutes after the end of the school day, so that school buses have had the opportunity to depart the school site.  It is less congested and dangerous for students as a consequence.  Please park considerately and avoid blocking driveways and entrances for those who live in close proximity to the school.

Students cycling to school should ensure that they are dressed appropriately (including bright clothing and a helmet) and that their bike is regularly maintained to ensure safety.  Students must cycle sensibly and have regard for other users of roads and pathways. Students are not allowed to ride their bikes anywhere on the school site.

Cycle rack spaces are available to students who should ensure that their bikes are locked securely on the school grounds, (the best way is to lock the bike frame and rear wheel to the bike rack and to make sure that the lock is facing the ground).

There are bus stops near to the main entrance of the school (Arriva 50), but this will involve students crossing Blaby Road, which is usually very busy.  

Andrews of Leicester currently operate private bus routes directly into Brockington College from Croft, Huncote, Thurlaston, Stoney Stanton and Sapcote, New Lubbesthorpe and Leicester Forest East. Parents/carers will need to liaise directly with Andrews of Leicester regarding timings and payment.  Contact:  or call 0116 287 7017.  Applications and prices for 2024-25 can be found on their website

School buses reduce the impact on the environment, drop off and pick up students inside the school grounds and are cheaper over a prolonged period. 

Andrews of Leicester have stated that application forms will be available on their website from (date to be confirmed) and they would encourage parents/carers to ensure that they apply before 1st August 2024 to allow them time to finalise routes and bus passes before the start of the new academic year.

Bus fares are paid for by parents/carers on a subscription basis and students are then issued a bus pass to allow travel. A deposit and photo are required for the application. Subscriptions can then be paid in full up front, in half termly instalments or over ten monthly payments from September 2024 to June 2025.

If you have any additional questions, please email

Safety is extremely important when travelling to and from the college by any means of transport.  If your child is walking or cycling to school, please ensure that they are aware of the pedestrian crossings locally and the safest routes to school.

Your child is representing the school on the way to and from school and our uniform is recognisable.  Therefore, please ensure that your child is aware of their conduct when travelling to and from school.

Please note that even when not in uniform or at weekends and evenings, students involved in misbehaviour or public order offences may also be punished by the college for bringing the school into disrepute.  We take our commitment to the community extremely seriously. 

Respect, one of the school’s eight key values,  is central to an effective, democratic society in which the views of all are heard and respected, even if different from our own. By treating all members of our school and wider community with dignity, respect and value, we model the example that Jesus gave us as he lived his life on earth meeting thousands of people

'It is an excellent Church school because leaders make life-changing decisions that transform lives.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

Uniform and equipment

ItemForNotesUniform supplier
Navy blue polo shirt with college logoAllCompulsoryYes
Navy blue sweatshirt with college logoAllCompulsoryYes
Black trousers AllCompulsory. Tailored/formal trousers suitable for school. MUST NOT be tight fitting below the knee, stretch/jersey material, denim, jeans, chinos, leggings, or have studs, rivets, zips (other than fly) or embroidery.
Black, fully or partially pleated, skirt to the knee or a minimum of 18 inches in lengthGirlsCompulsory. Suitable for school. MUST NOT be tight fitting or stretch/jersey material.
Footwear suitable for school.
We recommend that canvas shoes/ similar are not suitable.
AllMUST be ALL black, small heeled or flat.
MUST NOT have any colouring on shoes/laces/stitching.
HairstyleAllHairstyles should be suitable for school and avoid extremes, such as unnatural colour and style.
Make-upAllYear 7 and Year 8:
No make-up or nail varnish or false nails.
Year 9 and above:
Natural toned foundation/concealer and light mascara ONLY. No nail varnish or false nails.

AllOne small gold/silver stud per ear lobe and a watch ONLY.
Year 9/10/11 pupils only may wear one small nose stud.
No hoop ear rings, necklaces or rings. No bracelets.
No facial or other body piercings, including tongue studs.

Uniform can be purchased from our suppliers, Match Fit Kit. Uniform ordered from Match Fit Kit will be delivered to your home address. Non branded items are available to purchase from a wide range of high street stores. Representatives are available to answer any queries you may have via or at 02476 350630.

The governors’ policy on uniform must be followed by all students.  Decisions on the suitability of all uniform items and appearance are at the discretion of Brockington College.  If in doubt as to the appropriateness of uniform items, please contact the school for advice.  We would take this opportunity to ask parents/carers to support us in upholding our uniform policy.

Please remember that hairstyles should be suitable for school and pupils must avoid ‘extreme’ colours and styles.  For students in year 9 and above, make-up should not be obvious, such as ‘orange foundation’, lipstick, heavy eyeliner, false eyelashes or nails.

All uniform issues will be brought to the attention of the pastoral team and where possible resolved by the provision of appropriate clothing items.  In extreme cases, students may be placed in isolation until the matter is resolved satisfactorily.

GirlsBoysUniform supplier
Black quarter zip training top with red trimBrockington rugby shirt
Reversible red and red/black shirt.
Black polo shirt with red trim
Black polo shirt with red trimYes
Black shorts with red trim
or plain black shorts
(no branded names)
Black shorts with red trim
or plain black shorts
(no branded names)
Hockey socks
Black with red contrast top
or plain black socks (no branded names)
Football socks
Black with red contrast top
or plain black socks (no branded names).
Gum shieldGum shield
Sports socks
White ankle socks.
Sports socks
White ankle socks.
Shin padsShin pads
Trainers (indoors)
Not fashion/leisure or black trainers
Trainers (indoors)
Not fashion/leisure or black trainers
Football boots – optional
Must have plastic studs or blades for use on the artificial pitch.
Football boots – compulsory
Must have plastic studs or blades for use on the artificial pitch.
For outdoor games in the winter, a plain black track suit/jogging suit may be worn.
Hats and gloves can be worn in very cold weather, at the discretion of the PE teacher.
For outdoor games in the winter, a plain black track suit/jogging suit may be worn.
Hats and gloves can be worn in very cold weather, at the discretion of the PE teacher.

If for any reason your child does not have their kit or a medical note explaining that they are unable to take part in the lesson, we are unable to make alternative provision.  Our policy is similar to most secondary schools in that students who are not able to do PE are expected to join the PE group, listening to the theory aspects and helping with duties as instructed by the teacher. This is also the same policy for outdoor lessons.  It is therefore important that students have a coat and warm clothing to observe the lesson if they are outdoors.

If your child has a medical reason for not participating practically in a PE lesson, please supply your child with a note to give to their PE teacher on the day of their PE lesson.

If your child has a medical condition that is likely to last for several weeks, please contact your child’s PE teacher to explore arrangements that can be made in such exceptional circumstances.

Learning is at the centre of our school motto and encompasses all of the other school values. It is about being taught, being able to discover and understand. Naturally, certain basic items of equipment are vital to learning daily in school. 

The bible states; “Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” (Proverbs 18:15)

Students will need to bring the following items to school each day in their school bag:

  • Pencils (HB)
  • Pens (black and blue)
  • Coloured pencils
  • Eraser
  • Clear ruler
  • Good quality glue stick
  • A small set of unbranded ear buds or headphones (for music and computing lessons)
  • A pencil case
  • A maths set (protractor, compasses)
  • A scientific calculator (e.g. Casio)

Students can purchase various items via ParentPay; the resources will then be safely delivered to your child in class.

Students may bring a mobile phone to school, but this is at their own risk.  Students must ensure that mobile phones remain in lockers throughout the school day.  If a mobile phone is seen during school hours, it will be confiscated and parents/carers will have to collect it from the school office. 

Students are permitted to drink water in a clear bottle during lessons. Other drinks will be confiscated if in lessons.

The drinking of water is not permitted in ICT, science or technology lessons. Students will not be permitted to leave lessons to use the water fountain unless there are extraordinary circumstances.

'This focus on the ‘whole’ person, is supplemented with a skilled team of pastoral staff who are totally invested in their roles.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

Attendance and punctuality

If students are not in lessons, they cannot learn. Good attendance is considered to be 96%+ attendance with no unauthorised absence.

  • 90% attendance = ½ day missed every week.
  • 1 school year at 90% attendance = 4 whole weeks of lessons missed.
  • 90% attendance over 5 years of secondary school = ½ school year missed.
  • 17 missed school days a year = one GCSE grade drop in achievement!

If a student is absent, we:

  • will contact parents/carers on the first day of absence if no reason for absence has been received
  • may visit your home
  • will invite parents/carers to a meeting to discuss the matter, if the situation persists
  • will refer the matter to our home-school liaison and attendance officer, if attendance falls below 90%.

If your son or daughter is ill, you are asked to contact the school by telephone, 0116 2863722, and follow instructions to leave a message on the dedicated absence line. 

Alternatively, you can email We routinely check some messages to ensure legitimacy.  Provided that the reason falls within the regulations set down by the Department for Education, the absence will be recorded as authorised.   Absences that fall outside of these regulations will be recorded as unauthorised.

If an illness is likely to involve an absence for a prolonged period then we will send work home, or alternatively it will be accessible via Google Classroom.  This is especially important when working towards examinations. 

In line with current legislation, the school policy regarding family holidays during term time is that a student leave of absence will only be authorised if proven exceptional circumstances apply.  Any leave of absence taken without authorisation will be recorded as unauthorised and will be referred to our home-school liaison and attendance officer.  Penalty notices to both parents/carers of each child they have at the school may be issued.   In the case of exceptional circumstances, please write to the principal giving full details.

Poor punctuality is not acceptable.  If a student misses the start of the day, they can miss important information.  Students who arrive late also disrupt lessons and the learning of others and this can cause embarrassment. 

We expect students to arrive in good time to learn. Students must arrive at the college and be lined up in their year group zones by 8.30am.  Form tutors then walk their form groups to their tutor rooms.  If a student arrives after 8.30am, they will be signed in as late at the gate.  Where a student is more than 10 minutes late, they will sign in via reception. Persistent lateness will be treated as persistent breaches of school rules.  

‘I have a bright future because of Brockington'. Such outstanding nurture provision is highly effective.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

What are the arrangements at break and lunchtime?

The school provides an excellent catering service for students to purchase a variety of hot and cold meals at reasonable prices. Facilities are also available that allow students to bring packed lunches. However, in the interest of other students with nut allergies, it is essential that students do not include nuts or nut based products in packed lunches. For health and safety reasons glass bottles and fizzy/energy drinks are not permitted in school.

Break and lunch take place in our open courtyard area in the centre of the school.   A wide range of food is available from the main canteen, which serves hot meals (including a vegetarian option), jacket potatoes and pasta. Freshly made rolls can be pre-ordered using a ‘Grab and Go’ form from reception.  These can be completed at break and will be ready to collect from the canteen till at lunchtime.

Students will be issued with individual lanyards and ID cards at the start of term. The ID cards will display a unique barcode which can be used to purchase catering items via the ParentPay system.  Please ensure that your child’s catering account is sufficiently topped up in order for them to make purchases at break and lunchtime.

There are two ways that money can be added to the system:

  • ParentPay – This is a secure online account linked to your child and is the preferred method of payment for cashless catering accounts.
  • PayPoint – Payments can be made at local shops displaying the PayPoint symbol.  The store will scan a barcode issued to you by the school and the payment will be credited to your child’s account.  Requests for PayPoint barcodes need to be made via the school finance office if required.

We would encourage all who are eligible for free school meals to apply, so that we receive the extra funding as a school.

To check eligibility and how to apply for free school meals please contact School Catering Services at Leicestershire County Council.

Students eligible for free school meals will automatically have £3.10 credited to their account at the start of each school day.   Any money not spent from this allowance will be taken off the account at the end of each day.

A good breakfast is an essential way to start the day and it is especially important to assist learning.  Key Stage 3 students who qualify for free school meals are invited, on an individual basis, to attend breakfast club each day.  All Key Stage 4 students who qualify for free school meals are eligible to attend.

'Students anticipate a positive future because staff ensure that all experience the full range opportunities on offer.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

Medical matters

Key points to note:

  • A signed administration of medicine form, below,  is required if students need to take any prescribed medication during the school day, this includes students who carry an inhaler or EpiPen.
  • Please note, it is a requirement that all medication handed into the school is in the original packaging. It will not be accepted otherwise.
  • Students with inhalers and EpiPens should carry them at all times.
  • Inhalers and EpiPens should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and form.
  • The college carries an emergency inhaler for use by students with asthma in the event of an emergency and if their personal inhaler is not available. Please sign and return the emergency inhaler consent form below to give permission for this to happen in an emergency.
  • Please sign and return the appropriate EpiPen/Jext action plan, if your child will carry one in school.
  • If required, after discussion with the school health and wellbeing coordinator, a spare inhaler and/or EpiPen can be stored in the first aid room.
  • Students with serious medical conditions or allergies may need an Individual Health Care Plan. Please contact the school to discuss this further, if needed.
  • Students are not allowed to carry any medications or painkillers in school, other than prescribed inhalers or EpiPens. However, if the doctor believes that a certain medication needs to be kept with your child and is required for immediate access, then please contact the school health coordinator to discuss this further.
  • If your child has an injury and/or has reduced mobility, please contact school in order to arrange a risk assessment before returning to school.
  • If your child sustains an injury that prevents them from writing, a medical laptop may be provided following a risk assessment.
  • If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Miss K Brotherton, School Health and Wellbeing Coordinator, via or by calling 0116 286 3722.

TitleSizeDate addedDate modifiedDownload
Administration of Medicine Form47.20 KB03-12-202003-12-2020 DownloadPreview
Allergy Action Plan EpiPen139.59 KB21-07-202121-07-2021 DownloadPreview
Allergy Action Plan Jext168.86 KB21-07-202121-07-2021 DownloadPreview
Emergency Inhaler (Asthma) Consent119.76 KB02-12-202003-12-2020 DownloadPreview

Brockington College employs a school health and wellbeing coordinator who acts as the main school first aider.  If your child becomes ill at school and needs to go home, we will contact you immediately. Please let us know of any medical issues or changes to medical conditions so that we can keep our medical records up-to-date and respond appropriately whilst your child is in school. It is also important that the school always has up-to-date telephone numbers to enable us to contact you immediately, if required. 

If your child has been sent home from school due to sickness that is viral, please keep them absent from school for 48 hours.

'Time together for worship reinforces the very strong community ethos of the school, where all contribute to the flourishing of others.'
SIAMS Inspection (2023)

Curriculum information

Brockington College is a supportive and nurturing school where students grow and learn in an inclusive environment, and in which students of all faiths and none are able to flourish and be inspired by the impact of the Christian faith and its enduring values on their environment and learning.

One of the driving principles at Brockington College is to provide our students with an outstanding, varied and personalised education. We aim to provide courses that meet the aptitudes and aspirations of all our students and ensure those who require extra help receive it, be they high attainers or students with Education and Health Care Plans or Individual Health Care Plans.

Students follow a three-year Key Stage 3 and a two-year Key Stage 4 curriculum.  They choose options in year 9 and then study their GCSEs for two years, in order to allow them to focus on the specific skills and knowledge required to be successful at GCSE.  All students study the core subjects of English, maths and science at GCSE level; all students at Brockington also study GCSE religious studies as a full-course qualification and as a core subject. As a college, we believe that religious studies is a vital subject to aid students’ spiritual development, to reflect on their own beliefs and values, to understand different perspectives of the world, and to become thoughtful, tolerant members of society.

In Key Stage 3, students will study a broad curriculum enabling them to build the skills they need for the challenge of Key Stage 4 and to ensure they become well-rounded citizens of the future. We devote a good proportion of the curriculum time to our core subjects, English, mathematics, science and religious studies, to ensure that all students make excellent progress from the moment they arrive.

Alongside lessons in English, maths, science and religious studies, all students have lessons in art, design technology (including food and nutrition), computing, drama, geography, history, music, PE and a language.  Classes are composed in a variety of different ways, such as tutor groups, mixed tutor groups and academic sets.  Each subject has formatted their groups based on the best outcomes at GCSE and this may be different from what students experienced at primary school.  We acknowledge that students come from a range of schools and experiences, therefore, groups are reviewed on a regular basis.  If parents/carers have any concerns, please contact the school to discuss these further.

There is a wide range of instrumental tuition available at Brockington College, which is provided by a variety of expert private instrumental teachers.  In most cases, your child will need to have their own instrument and bring it into school for lessons (with the obvious exception of drum kit and piano.)

This means students are able to receive their instrumental lessons during the school day but all communication regarding the arrangements and payments are made directly between parents/carers and the instrumental/vocal teacher.

Lesson times are on a rota, so while students have lessons on the same day each week the lessons are at a different time to avoid missing the same lessons regularly.

All details of the provision we provide at Brockington can be found below.  

If you have any questions regarding instrumental/vocal tuition, please feel free to talk to or email Mrs Ward, curriculum team leader, performing arts via

InstrumentName of teacherTeacher contact details
Flute, pianoMs Teresa Bexon01455 239373 / 07791456054
Keyboard, pianoMr Ian Maw07980010060
01530 560653
DrumsMr Adam Stringer07941 549962
Guitar Leicestershire Music
Registration – Leicestershire Music (
SingingMrs Sarah Woodhall07866015774
ClarinetMs Christine Taylor07802 664173
Violin, violaMs Sally Smith07799 492486
Clarinet, saxophone, fluteMr Patrick
Piano, saxophone, violinMs Heather

Homework is an effective way to help your child extend their learning and improve their ability to work independently, as well as developing skills of perseverance and self-discipline.  It is also an excellent way for parents/carers to be involved in their child’s learning.

We use an online system called Show My Homework.  Students and parents/carers will be issued with login details allowing students to access the homework and parents/carers the opportunity to monitor what is being completed.  Further information can be found on the Show My Homework page of the Brockington College website.                

Students are taught a range of life skills within their Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) lessons.  The topics covered include respect, bullying, democracy, E-safety, forced marriage and issues related to mental health.

We believe that the topics taught in this non-examined subject are vital to facilitating opportunities for students to enquire, seek advice and build resilience in a supportive way.

The content of the curriculum for each year group is published on the school website and via the school bulletin each year.  Legally, parents/carers have a right to remove their children from certain relationship and sex education lessons.  We would, however, strongly advise parents/carers against taking such action.  Every effort is taken to ensure that the content and style of these lessons is inclusive and appropriate, enabling students from all backgrounds and faiths to feel comfortable and make a contribution.

If you wish to discuss this course further, please contact either Ms Broadfield or Mrs Thorpe, curriculum team leaders for this subject, via or

The library actively encourages and promotes ‘reading for pleasure’.  It stocks a large range of fiction and non-fiction books along with daily newspapers and magazines.  The library also has access to computers, laptops, tablets and Kindles for students to use.

New students are enrolled into our library system and may borrow up to two books at a time for a fortnight.  Students will be issued with individual lanyards and ID cards. The ID cards will display a unique barcode which can be used to borrow books from the library. 

The library is open daily and a homework club runs after school.

Each morning, students take part in spiritual reflection, our interlinked programme of overall collective worship. This involves participating in activities centred around our Christian values and themes of the week and it is also a chance to spend time considering different points of view on a range of moral issues and current affairs. Spiritual reflection topics clearly reflect the context in which the school is set in, giving a range of different viewpoints for moral and spiritual dilemmas. 

Students have assemblies each week led by a member of staff from school, members of the clergy or from the local Christian community. Within assemblies, students are encouraged to look at aspects of life from various points of view. 

Spiritual reflection is a very important part of school life and integral to the character of the college.

There are many ways that you can help your child do well at Brockington College, here are just a few ideas.

  1. Ensure that your son/daughter has the equipment they need for lessons.
  2. Make sure your child uses Show My Homework so they understand what they have to do and can complete work on time.
  3. At home, encourage your child to read quietly for 10-20 minutes on a regular basis.
  4. Find opportunities for your child to use numbers in everyday situations and encourage them to work out sums in their head.
  5. Encourage your child to follow up interests and talk about them.
  6. Try to keep up-to-date with what your child is learning at college and talk regularly about it.
  7. Help your child to be ready to learn. Adequate sleep and a healthy diet are essential.
  8. Ensure your child begins their day with breakfast and is able to eat and drink appropriately whilst at college.
  9. Encourage your child to use Show My Homework and links to our various online learning platforms to access work and resources they may need.
  10. Speak to us to share your child’s successes and any issues that may arise. We will do our best to help.

As well as curricular opportunities, we also offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities for students.  Our performing arts productions are renowned for their outstanding quality and our sports teams compete at local, regional and national level.  The school offers a range of activities and clubs for students to join at lunchtimes and after school. These change each term; details of these are available on the website

There are also a wide range of trips and visits that will enable your child to gain skills and experiences beyond the classroom to enrich their learning. In the past these have included trips to Parliament, the Forest of Dean, Norfolk and the Oxbridge colleges, alongside international trips to Canada, Iceland, China and Kenya.

Pupil Premium is funding given to schools so that additional support can be given to students currently eligible for free school meals (FSM) and those who have been eligible at any point in the last six years.  Schools also receive funding for children who are looked after, adopted or the children of service personnel.

As part of this funding, the school are able to support parents of eligible students with the cost of purchasing Brockington College uniform.  Please contact us on 0116 286 3722 for further information. 

“Wonderful staff that encourage all students all the way, always going the extra mile.”