How does Brockington identify a student as more able?

More and Most Able (MAMA) students are ‘identified as those with one or more abilities developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group’ (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008). These students are the top 10% (Montacute, 2018) of the college population, with around 24 students per year group. However, as the Sutton Trust states (Montacute, 2018) it can be hard to identify students, therefore we do not limit the number of students identified as MAMA at Brockington. Based on the government’s previous gifted and talented program (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008) at Brockington college students are identified as more able and most able through demonstrating an outstanding skill, talent or academic gift.

More and Most Able students will be identified by (Loft, P. and Danechi, S. 2020):

  • Having a scaled SATs score of 110 or above
  • Having a national percentile rank score for NGRT of 95 or above
  • Having BC grades of 8 and above at more than one assessment point

Department for Children, Schools and Families. (2008) Identifying gifted and talented learners – getting started. Nottingham: DCSF Publications.

Loft, P. and Danechi, S. (2020) Support for more able and talented children in schools (UK). House of Commons Library Briefing Paper no. 9065. London: House of Commons Library.

Montacute, R. (2018) Potential for Success – Fulfilling the Promise of Highly Able Students in Secondary Schools. London: Sutton Trust.

Whilst we will track the progress and outcomes for students based upon data, this is an inclusive enrichment programme available to any students who demonstrate flair or passion for a particular subject. Presenting ‘more or most able’ capabilities relies heavily upon attitude to learning, commitment to curiosity and a willingness to apply new experiences to learning; attainment is simply the result of such an attitude. There are a variety of clubs and trips available, which are open to all students who wish to enhance their knowledge of either existing subjects or beyond.

The more and most able coordinator will monitor these students to ensure they remain on track, coordinating opportunities and/or offering intervention where necessary.

More and most able provision: Aspiration for All

In keeping with this inclusive approach, Brockington College offers a range of opportunities for your child to ensure that they adopt an ambitious, positive and curious approach to learning. There are a variety of programmes, clubs and trips available, open to all students who wish to enhance their knowledge.

We work closely with companies to provide in-house enrichment for students, hosting a range of speakers and attending a range of events such as local MPs, businesses or universities. Previous enrichment included visits from Coventry University, Medical Mavericks, local MP Alberto Costa, RSC live theatre screenings and our extensive, varied range of enrichment clubs.

This year we have started MAMA intervention sessions to help support students in core subjects as well provide exam packets including key revision resources on areas students have identified they need help with. This year we will also be working with the ‘brilliance club’ for year 8 MAMA and PP students. This is an opportunity for PHD tutors to mentor year 8 students and deliver an academically rigorous programme linked with their own research. This programme will start in January 2024.

Who coordinates the provision for more and most able students?

Miss S Leedham, Teacher of Food Technology