Design and Technology

Our Design and Technology department constantly evolves, offering an innovative curriculum that fosters creative thinking and skill development. At Key Stage 3, students will have the opportunity to explore subjects like Food & Nutrition, Textile Design, and Engineering on a rotating basis, honing new skills and creativity. Within each area, there will be scope to investigate, design and manufacture products within various contexts, considering different needs, wants and values. 

At GCSE level, we offer AQA Food and Nutrition, OCR Textile Design, and NCFE technical awards in Engineering (Level 1 & Level 2 VCerts). The KS4 courses will support students to direct their learning in their chosen specialism to enable them to move forward in their career path.  

The design department offers after-school workshops where students can engage in advancing their existing projects or participate in mini-tasks aimed at enhancing their skills across the department. Our practical facilities support students in engineering with the manufacturing process. At the same time, those interested in food can improve their patisserie skills and textile enthusiasts are encouraged to develop their higher-level embellishment techniques.

We realise the importance of enrichment opportunities to enable our students to become confident and capable individuals. We have successfully taken students on trips to Festo, Jaguar Land Rover, the Clothes Show and the De Montfort University End of year degree shows. Additionally, we have seized opportunities to involve artists and designers in online workshops and national awards, engaging our students in valuable interactions.

Programmes of study

Key Stage 3 curriculum overview

Year 7Year 8Year 9
Topic 1: Introduction to textile design

Understanding textiles fibres and materials and how artists can influence the making of a textile product
Topic 1: Food and nutrition

Working with ingredients and the study of dietary needs and requirements at different stages of life
Topic 1: Icon and identity

To develop an understanding of how icons are decorated in textile design. Students will explore developing skills using traditional and modern design applications
Topic 2: Basics in food safety and nutrition

Learning how to be prepared for food lessons, the basic cutting skills, measuring, and working with ingredients
Topic 2: Pattern and print project

Students understand how to research abstract and graffiti artists. Application of different techniques used to generate new creative ideas to develop an outcome
Topic 2: Food and nutrition

Students look at food safety for working with meat, the requirements of each nutrient and how to complete an NEA assessment
Topic 3: Introduction to engineering

Students develop an understanding of the properties of Metals and the knowledge of engineering equipment whilst making a product.
Topic 3: Engineering mechanisms

Students develop a working understanding of mechanisms, how they work and how they have impacted our modern world whilst developing CAD skills
Topic 3: Engineering in the workshop

Students will learn workshop safety and learn a range of wood materials and joints, tools and machinery to produce a working prototype
Topic 4: Extended engineering block

Students will understand the application of basic inputs, processes, and outputs and basic engineering sketches whilst creating a small torch

OCR Textile Design

Year 10Year 11
Term 1: Theme – Aquatic

Students will learn the formal elements and understand the materials and processes required to achieve techniques on paper and fabric

Students will learn how to collect primary information related to a theme and develop investigations

Students will learn how to use textiles machinery and equipment appropriate to the technique used

Students will explore sampling of a range of surface decoration embellishment techniques related to the theme

Students will develop a range of fashion illustrations and be introduced to pattern making leading to a fashion outcome
Term 1: Unit 1 = 60% of portfolio towards GCSE

Students will continue unit 1 portfolio where they will refine their work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques, and processes (A02)

Students will then work on recording their ideas and observations (A03)

Students will focus on presenting a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates development of the chosen theme (A04)
Term 2: Theme – Structures

Students will go through the process of collecting research and developing ideas using CAD software and printing processes

Students will be introduced to manipulation techniques; final outcome will either be paper based or fabric incorporating techniques learnt
Term 2: Unit 2 = 40%

Students will be given paper and themes from exam board in January

Students will be completing preparation for the final exam working through the objectives

Assessment objective 1: Investigations and research
Assessment objective 2: Refining and exploring
Assessment objective 3: Recording and experimenting
Assessment objective 4: Present personal outcome
Term 3: Theme – Environment

Begin portfolio unit 1 – Students decide the subtheme

Students will develop theme through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources (A01)
Term 3

Students will continue the preparation for their personal response and refine all their individual work for this unit 2 project

Assessment: GCSE 10 hour exam

AQA Food and Nutrition

Year 10Year 11
Topic 1: Fruit and vegetables

Students will learn about food processing, vitamins and minerals, cooking methods and sustainability
NEA 1: Practical preparation

Students will recap the expectations of NEA1 then complete the assessment based on the information they have learned in year 10. This assessment is worth 15% of their final grade
Topic 2: Sugars

Students will learn about sugars, additives, writing a time plan and the health risks of a poor diet
Revision for exam: Multiple choice questions

Students will revise key material and practice applying it to the section 1 multiple choice questions
Topic 3: Proteins including alternative proteins

Students will learn about proteins, different dietary need, food poisoning bacteria and food safety
NEA 2: Practical preparation

Students will recap the expectations of NEA 2 then complete the assessment based on the information they have learned in year 10. This assessment is worth 35% of their final grade and includes a practical assessment
Topic 4: Carbohydrates

Students will learn about carbohydrates, gluten formation, sauce making and how to apply their knowledge to exam questions
Revision: Short questions

Students will revise key material and practice applying it to a range of short answer 1 – 6 mark questions
Topic 5: Mock NEA 2

Students will complete a mock assessment to ensure they are prepared and understand what to expect in year 11
Revision: Longer answer questions

Students will revise key material and practice how to structure and apply it to more detailed 8 and 12 mark questions
Topic 6: Eggs

Students will learn about the functions of eggs in cooking, fats, raising agents and the requirements for the NEAs
Topic 7: mock nea 1

Students will complete a mock assessment to ensure they are prepared and understand what to expect in year 11

NCFE Vcerts Level 1 / Level 2 Engineering

Year 10Year 11
Topic 1: Engineering disciplines

Mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, aerospace, telecommunications, civil, automotive, software, biomedical
Mock NEA feedback and NEA prep:
Research skills
Hand drawing
CAD drawing
Production planning
Practical skills development
Writing evaluations
Topic 2: Metals project

Properties and characteristics of metals, health and safety in the workshop, safe and correct use of tools and equipment
Nov Mock Exam Revision:
Engineering disciplines
Maths and science in engineering
Engineering drawing conventions
Materials and their properties
Tools and Equipment
Topic 3: Engineering drawings

Lines, scales, isometric
Two point perspective
Orthographic – first and third angle
British Standard BS 8888
Non-Examined Assessment (60%)
Topic 4: Materials and their properties

Wood, ceramics and composites
Aesthetics and environmental impacts
Properties: chemical, electrical and magnetic, mechanical, optical and thermal
Materials testing
Exam Prep and Revision:
Revision on all content areas
Revision techniques
Exam strategies
Topic 5: CAD/CAM project with plastics theory

2D and 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) programmes
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) methods
Use of CAD/CAM to produce a laser cut outcome
Mock exam preparation:
Topic 1: Engineering disciplines
Topic 2: Engineering drawings
Topic 3: Materials and properties
Topic 4: CAD/CAM and plastic theory
Mock synoptic project: Lamp
Design brief where students will produce a portfolio of evidence including material research, 2D and 3D drawings, production plans, risk assessment and making diaries of the production process and the practical product


Mrs L Chauhan (Curriculum Team Leader D&T) – Teacher of Textiles 
Mr T Clark – Teacher of Engineering and ICT    
Miss S Leedham – Teacher of Food and Nutrition   
Mrs G Troy – Teacher of Design and Engineering

Useful links