Computing, ICT & Business

The Computing, ICT & Business department believe that all students should learn how to operate safely, efficiently and effectively in an increasingly digital world, with an understanding of how to use technology to improve our lives. We want to prepare all students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to pursue the pathway that they desire. All students will learn about topics that are relevant to the digital world and develop an understanding of concepts that could lead to further education or careers in Computing, ICT or Business. The department aim to prepare students to live life to the full in the digital world. The department curriculum is designed to be ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced, broad and balanced, and inclusive for all pupils. The National Curriculum has been used in the planning to ensure that the curriculum we offer, includes all areas of content as effectively as possible. It also provides opportunities to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to prepare students for further study through the KS4 courses offered, or for being able to operate effectively in the digital world and prepare for future careers.

Programmes of study

Key Stage 3 

Year 7 ICTYear 8 ICTYear 9 ICT
7.1 Using computers safely, effectively and responsibly8.1 Computer crime and cyber security9.1 Creative iMedia – Pre-production skills
7.2 Understanding computers8.2 Data representation9.2 Business Studies – Making operational decisions
7.3 Modelling data – spreadsheets8.3 Networks9.3 Computer Science – Python programming with sequences of data
7.4 Programming essentials in Scratch – part 18.4 Introducing Python programming9.4 Back to the future
7.5 Kodu Programming8.5 Digital graphics9.5 Digital Software Skills
7.6 Developing for the web8.6 Mobile app development9.6 Data Science

Key Stage 4

GCSE Computer Science
OCR J277
GCSE Business Studies
Cambridge National Creative iMedia
OCR Level 1/Level 2 J834
Component 01: Computer systems
(50% 1 hour and 30 min exam – 80 marks)
1.1 Systems architecture
1.2 Memory and storage
1.3 Computer networks, connections and protocols
1.4 Network security
1.5 Systems software
1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
Theme 1: Investigating small business
(50% 1 hour and 45 min exam – 90 marks)
Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship
Topic 1.2 Spotting a business opportunity
Topic 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice
Topic 1.4 Making the business effective
Topic 1.5 Understanding external influences on business
R093: Creative iMedia in the industry
(40% 1 hour 30 min exam)
Topic area 1: The media industry
Topic area 2: Factors influencing product design
Topic area 3: Pre-production planning
Topic area 4: Distribution considerations
Component 02: Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
(50% 1 hour and 30 min exam – 80 marks)
2.1 Algorithms
2.2 Programming fundamentals
2.3 Producing robust programs
2.4 Boolean logic
2.5 Programming languages and integrated development environments
Theme 2: Building a business
(50% 1 hour and 45 min exam – 90 marks)
Topic 2.1 Growing the business
Topic 2.2 Making marketing decisions
Topic 2.3 Making operational decisions
Topic 2.4 Making financial decisions
Topic 2.5 Making human resource decisions
R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
(25% set assignment)
Topic area 1: Develop visual identity
Topic area 2: Plan digital graphics for products
Topic area 3: Create visual identity and digital graphics
Practical programming:
Students complete practical programming projects.
R097: Interactive digital media
(35% set assignment)
Topic area 1: Plan interactive digital media
Topic area 2: Create interactive digital media
Topic area 3: Review interactive digital media


  • Mr C Turner (Curriculum Team Leader – ICT, Computing and Business)
  • Mr J Stewardson
  • Mrs E Wilford
  • Mr P Bup
  • Mrs S Batstone

Useful links