Brockington College is part of Embrace Multi Academy Trust; a new trust developed in partnership by like-minded leaders and governors from a range of schools across south Leicestershire. We are a church-majority trust, driven by a moral purpose to develop pupils in the fullest sense, regardless of which academy they attend and without detriment to others outside our trust.
The Embrace founder schools shaped and agreed the identity and purpose of the multi academy trust, which are encapsulated through the following objectives:
- to safeguard the distinctive ethos and character of each academy and its unique context.
- to work together and with those outside Embrace for the benefit of all
- to be committed to the continual improvement of pupil academic outcomes
- to develop thoughtful, caring and active citizens
- to prioritise support for the most vulnerable within our academies
- to grow and sustain a strong, skilled and effective workforce at all levels
- to ensure financial sustainability to allow excellence and growth for Embrace.
The Embrace accounts and company information can be found on the Embrace website.
Other Embrace schools
Contact the team
The Embrace shared service team can be contacted on 0116 4820880 and via
Embrace Multi Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number: 8138965) Registered Office: Brockington College, Blaby Road, Enderby, Leicester, LE19 4AQ