
Brockington College aims to safeguard and promote students’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The students’ welfare is of paramount importance.

Our safeguarding commitment

  • protecting children from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and
    effective care, and
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

There are four main elements to our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy which you can also read in full.

  • prevention (eg positive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support to students, safer
    recruitment procedures)
  • protection (by following agreed procedures, ensuring staff are trained and supported to
    respond appropriately and sensitively to child protection concerns)
  • support (to students and school staff and to children who may have been harmed or abused)
  • working with parents (to ensure appropriate communications and actions are undertaken).

Main safeguarding contacts

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
    Mr J Barton
    Vice Principal
    0116 286 3722

  • Named Safeguarding Governor 
    Mrs C Nash
    0116 286 3722

  • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) 
    Kim Taylor / Lovona Brown / Shellie Miskella
    0116 305 4141

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Advice for parents / carers

If you have any concerns about a student at Brockington College, please contact a DSL via the main office on  0116 286 3722 or via

A reminder to students

If you have any concerns, about yourself or a fellow student, it is important to talk to someone.  Remember, you can talk to ANY member of staff.  You may want to speak to your form tutor, head of year or pastoral manager.  You can also use Voice It.

Operation Encompass

Brockington College is an Operation Encompass school.  Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Lead prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved.

Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.